Category Archives: Who the hell am I?

Welcome to T2D

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

…lived a little blog on Windows Live Spaces called ‘Things to do in Bristol When You’re (OCD)ead’.


T2D (as it became known) held the story, thoughts, rants, observations and confessions of a guy who’d suffered from a form of OCD called ‘Pure-O’ (or obsessive thinking) since 1997 & started blogging in 2005 when he finally started seeking treatment. The aim? To give me a place to rant, to work through the demons in my head, to confess, to understand, to forgive myself for an illness that wasn’t my fault.

Yet as I went through years of psych treatment, medication & learning life would never be the same I realised how little was known about the illness. How little help there was for it, how little personal and professional understanding there was about it & the dark places it could take you. How me opening up might help some others do the same just by being brutally honest and upfront. So, amidst other musings on my life, the odd film review and the occasional comical rant – that’s what I did.

In 2010 I started leaving less entries & scaled T2D down due to Spaces being a bloody nightmare (!) & not knowing what I had left to say. Nothing was changing much, there were no more great revelations…but then, that’s not the point. Perhaps for someone else with Pure-O just knowing there’s someone here who IS still going after 14yrs and not quite barking at the moon yet is enough!

So T2D is back. I’ll try and update it regularly again and have re-categorised old posts in the sidebar on the right. For those new to the place and to OCD, go and have a read. Some stuff has changed from the posts 3-6 years ago, some hasn’t, but hopefully it’ll give an insight.

Strap in…

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Memories can play tricks on you…

People are like history really – events that have happened in the past are rarely as you remember them. The mind plays tricks on you, recollections get coloured by where and who you are at the time of recollection. Sometimes you’ll even create false memories of the past, so well that even you can’t remember the truth. That can be deliberate for any amount of reasons I guess, but it can be subconcious too – protecting yourself from things.
Have had one of those moments this morning.
Hard to explain without going into ridiculous and boring detail. Will try though. At the age of 16, I fell hugely in love for the first and only time with a girl i was at college with. Was my first relationship and hit the magic ‘L’ word on the first attempt. Was very deep, serious and meaningful and talk of engagement and marriage after 9 months or so was quite genuine.
Anyway, my then-stepdad (turned out to be a sh*t – a story for another day) had an enormous stroke 10 months in while she was away and I, quite simply, couldn’t cope with the pressure of trying to support Mum through it. Within a week or so I developed an inability to cope with pressure or stress, and started clubbing a lot and hanging out with new people to switch off – a near-total character reversal. Also found it hard to open up suddenly and had gone near ‘numb’ feeling-wise (yes, i know – in retrospect the OCD/anxiety disorder similarities are strikingly similar but this was a long, long time ago).
Suffice to say the girl in question and me had big problems with this change in me and while trying to work through it, combined with the influence of her father (who hated someone being so close to ‘his little girl’) and her insanely jealous, nasty best friend, we had some rocky moments. She became insecure and had people spying on me which led to me finishijng it once (would never have cheated, ever) – we got back together after her kissing someone infront of me at a party in order to get at me. Nice. After a while, she then admitted to having done the same thing again with someone else while drunk – an unpleasant piece of violent, drug-taking work who was friends with her best friend – I stayed with her (yeah i know, but I loved the girl) but couldn’t clear those images out of my head of her and him.
It eventually got too much and, one day before Xmas Eve late on an evening, something snapped in me. i walked up to a phone box and finished it. A week later I broke down, realising how much i missed her and couldn’t cope. She jumped into bed with aforementioned nasty fella. We had 9 months of incidents after that until it got too much – I cut off to save my sanity after being lied to again.
Yes it still hurts – stupid really I know. Not so much over her in particular (I’m a very different person now) but more over the whole thing I guess, and having lost something like that feeling never to refind it. *shrug* But you get used to it and deal.
This morning though, something ‘clicked’ into place. I was never able to remember properly what happened the day i finally finished with her. has always been a hazy series of recollections with the odd moment of clarity and, I guess mentally, i was in such a bad and screwed-up place back then that its understandable. But I do remember earlier that day I’d gone out to speak to a friend as I was considering things with said girl. I could never remember those hours properly. I couldn’t remember WHY i’d gone to speak to the friend. And I guess it says something about me and the guilt need complex I have that somewhere my mind had constructed a framework where I’d gone up there having already decided to finish with my gf, and intended to ask out my female friend before doing so.
Yet this memory never sat true with me – never sounded right. This morning, whilst watching a TV prog, it suddenly clicked into focus. The memory was a fiction.
Yes, i did go up  to see my friend – BUT I can now remember that I was up there to speak to her about my gf because I was so confused and mixed up, and wanted to get some advice because I didn’t know what to do and knew the things I was considering. I can’t remember whether she was in or not, nor whetehr we spoke – but I can now remember walking home thinking ‘give it another night to sleep on it’, then getting home and brooding on it for hours, eventually winding myself up into the mess that saw me finish things.
There was never a romantic subtext in it – I think I can see why my mind constructed it (months and months later, me and said friend did become close and I’d have liked something to happen but it never did), but it’s weird. It’s as though that bit of that day was ‘locked out’ from my conscious memory and my subconscious tried to reconstruct it from other related bits, but got it all mixed up.
Sorry folks – this is a pretty boring, irrelevant entry about something long ago, i know. But to me it’s been something my mind has kept returning to at random moments to torture me about, and hurt and frustrated me because I knew i wasn’t remembering things properly but didn’t remember thr truth. Remembering it is a big thing to me – maybe I can forgive myself just a little.


Filed under Who the hell am I?

Happy Birthday To Me…

…well, ‘cos it’s my birthday.
Much as this could be a really ‘deep’ entry (*smirk*) talking about how I’m glad to be here to make it after last month, how this past year has really been progressive in terms of my OCD, how I’ve really found who my friends are and how much I’ve achieved personally in terms of this place and the charity appeal last November etc, and what the next year may bring re: returning to work, getting fit etc…
…it won’t be. Just looking forward to watching the Superman film this afternoon and a pleasantly drunken evening at the Arnolfini this evening. Feel free to join me!


Filed under Who the hell am I?

Overweight? Unattractive? Wear a bizarre T-shirt!

Ok, I admit – it lacks a little something in terms of a well-developed, scientifically proven theory. BUT there does appear to be something to be said for the affect a strange/bizarre/funny/stupid t-shirt can have on the opposite sex.
Take myself for example. Am probably clocking up about 5 years since a sexual encounter of any kind (not even a slap) and am universally hopeless when it comes to approaching any lady in regards to a possible romantic tete-a-tete. Plus, given that my body’s best identifiable use is probably as a bouncy castle alternative, I generally stand out as the most noticeable in the line but still last to be picked.
However, slap a weird T-shit on me and it appears to be another matter. After previous successes with random female strangers approaching me and starting conversation with a Misters of Percy t-shirt (don’t ask – perhaps only Ady and Glenn of my regular readers would laugh at the story and its origins of a mix-up with the Sisters of Mercy) and also with a totally over-the-top green and purple tie-dyed Smashing Pumpkins shirt, the latest one came during a stroll round Tesco’s this morning whilst wearing my own latest creation – a white T-shirt with the self-made backprint "Fighting anorexia one burger at a time" on the back of it. Cue a vaguely attractive, slightly mousey late-20s woman approaching me by the milk section to let me know how much she liked the shirt and how it made her laugh.
Ok, so stalking her around the aisles for 20 minutes until a burst of speed through frozen foods probably put paid to any progress (though I picked up a great bargain on fresh turkeys so it wasn’t a a total loss) – but perhaps these slogans are the way forward.
Oh, and the OCD is still being rubbish with me but the above section seemed a far more entertaining way to start!

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Safety zones…

Sod it – was just going to write some self-indulgent babble about being
overweight deliberately so not to risk getting hurt romantically, cut
myself off and not take chances blah blah blah blah….but after
reading it and retyping it for 20 minutes, it frankly all sounds like
proper arse, whether it’s true or not. So shan’t bother.

A lucky escape, readers!

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Scary moment at Friends Reunited…

Thought I’d register myself and have a look around….feeling quite shaken now.

Everyone is married, it seems. My old primary school friends and
secondary school ones (including the ex first gf- knew that anyway just
after she got hitched but is still odd to read about it…) all seem to
have the ‘normal’ life that we all imagine. The careers, children,
happy wife/husband etcetc…all have the careers etc…

An odd feeling, looking around at what effectively is the wreckage my
life has been over the past 8 years or so – almost impossible to
imagine that such things happen to other people in such a seemingly
straightforward way. Also strange that there’s still a part of me – a
part I thought had disappeared a long time ago – which would welcome
such seeming domestic, boring bliss. The whole 2.4 kids, wife, steady
job thing.

No point concentrating on that for too long – shaky ground at best and
I know better then to fool myself about such things, and would only
drive myself crazy by doing so (the NIN song ‘Something I Can Never
Have’ seems appropriate somehow).

I expect absolutely zero contact – I only really started to develop as
a character when I was in the 6th form, and then I had a major
character flip a year in after Mum’s (then) partner had a stroke…in
truth, perhaps an early sign that things weren’t too stable upstairs
(the benefits of hindsight)!

Besides, how likely is it to see the bio of a former schoolmate who
pretty much says "Then I was ok…now I’m a mental
patient,AAAAWOOOOOOLLLLL *drool*" and think ‘now there’s a guy I’d love
to get back in touch with’ (!)?

Yeah, of course I would…but then, I’m crazy.


Filed under Who the hell am I?

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Matty *UPDATED*

…but couldn’t be bothered to ask. Many thanks to Rob G for this idea. fed up of the unending torrent of surveys from other people flooding my Inbox asking what i had for breakfast and who my favourite chipmunk is, here is an exhaustive list to end all lists of such things about me. I need only say ‘take the hint’.

Oh, and feel free to add any questions and comments should, for some bizarre reason, you be even vaguely interested and I’ll do my best to answer them (though not necessarily truthfully).

The Definitive Matty Question List

The Basic Personals & Standard Questions

1. What is your full name? – Matthew John Drew

2. How old are you? – 36. Ashamedly childlike really.

3. Where do you live? – Bristol.

4. With anyone? – With my Mum (no I don’t wear anoraks or look like Ronnie Corbett in ‘Sorry’! She’s more like a good mate so it makes sense, really)

5. Brothers or sisters? – One sister called Dawn, who’s 6 years older then me and quite cool

6. Pets? – In this bungalow? Be serious.

7. Significant other? – Am using it to type with.

8. Non-romantic significant other(s)? – Apart from Mum, Dad, Dawn etc? Niece & nephew who are also my godchildren.

9. Closest friends? – *lol* yeah, that’d kick up some controversy! Suffice to say that Lizz, Lou, Pete, Vicky, Kev, Ryan & Glenn would all be there somewhere.

10. Sexuality? – Hetro, despite a plethora of wonderful OCD-formed panics.

11. Profession? – I guess media editorial work (writing, proofing, reviewing, subbing) would be close enough – though it’s been 6 years since working due to my illness so that’s kinda loose tbh.

12. Any quals? – Yeah, got a degree in Cultural & Media Studies and lots of a-levs/gcses etc.

13. Starsign – Cancer (appropriate, given my smoking).

14. Smoke? – Blind?

15. Drink? – Not a huge alcohol fan, but can fill in for those who are when they’re attempting sobriety! Girly drinks like Baileys/Malibu/Archers are all fine, nice pint of Red Stripe or Stella is good and the Aftershock stories are legendary. Rather have a pint of milk though.

16. Any Illnesses? – Yep, suffer from the pure obsessional form of OCD, diabetes and sleep aponea.

17. Birthmarks? – A little one on my wrist and a larger version of it on my lower back.

18. Any other identifying marks? – Got a lovely big scar on my left thigh from an accident when I was 7. First day of holiday in Weymouth, Mum decides I should walk on the inside of the pavement for my own safety. I promptly fell through an unmarked skylight that was being worked on and scooped a big piece out of my leg. Bad pain, great presents, Mum’s career as a safety officer was short-lived.

19. Religious? – Used to be. Now am definitely spiritual but believe religion just gets in the way.

20. Do you believe in: Ghosts? Completely – am a core member of the UK Ghost investigators!

UFOs? – yeah. Saw something weird when i was 16 and think there’s too much smoke. What they are, however, is more questionable

Yeti/Abominable Snowman/Bigfoot? – Not until people from states where inbreeding is outlawed start coming forward with accounts.

Loch Ness Monster? – Lovely myth, great moneyspinner, no truth in it.

Wild Animals on Bodmin Moor and the like? – Actually, I can see that one being true.


1. Favourite colour? – Black. Exudes a wonderful ‘don’t f*** with me’ radius when worn.

2. Favourite time of year? – Hmmm. The Hallowe’en – Bonfire Night time is cool. Love the bonfire smoke smell at sunset.

3. Fave film? – Always changing but it takes a lot to beat Jaws, Shawshank, Airplane or Scream.

4. Fave TV programme? – Buffy TVS

5. Fave song? – ‘Under the Bridge’ by the Chili Pepps (though pushed bloody close by the Sisters ‘This Corrosion’, Prodigy’s ‘Out of Space’ and the theme tune to Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends – go figure).

6. Fave album? – Ouch, toughie. Probably ‘OK Computer’ by Radiohead.

7. Fave food? – Anything with meat. Just pass me a chicken.

8. Fave drink? – Milk.

9. Fave place? – Toss-up between Glastonbury Festival or stood looking out of my front room window in the early hours when there’s a huuuge rainstorm going on.

10. Fave animal? – Dogs are cool.

11. Fave famous person (alive)? – Kirstin Dunst, for purely sexual reasons. Christina Ricci for…well, the same.

12. Fave famous person (dead)? – Bill Hicks, for purely non-sexual reasons. A modern-day prophet.

13. Fave muppet? – The obvious one, Animal.

14. Fave personal trait? – Being able to see the funny side even in the blackest situations.

15. Fave person you’d like to see assassinated? – Everyone. If I like you I’ll kill you last. And Jedward.

16. Fave emotion? – The excitement that comes with anticipation.

17. Fave quote? – A scene from ‘Airplane’:

Leslie Nielson (Doctor) – These people have got to be taken to a hospital. How long ’til we can land?

Pilot – I can’t tell.

LN – You can tell me, I’m a doctor.

Pilot – I mean I don’t know.

LN – can’t you take a guess?

Pilot – I’m not sure…not for another 2 hours?

LN – You can’t take a guess for another 2 hours?


1. First memory? – Falling off a swing. or, more accurately, flying over the swing without actually making any contact with it in the first place. And then being convinced I had a fungus plant growing in my stomach after swallowing half the garden on a rough touchdown.

2. First book you ever read? – Ralph & His Marvellous Motorcycle. It was about this daredevil mouse who found a toy motorbike and used to ride around the house in search of adventure. Made Stuart Little look like a girl.

3. First teacher you ever had a crush on? – Ooooo, Jennifer Bennett when I was 11.

4. First girl you ever had a crush on? – Victoria Beauring (or something like that) when I was 11 (god I was a hussy).

5. Get anywhere? – No.

6. First kiss? – Was 16 with my 1st gf & true love. True to form, my glasses fell off in her face.

7. First childhood nemesis? – Robert Lewis when I was at primary school. We battled using the medium of choir singing.

8. Favourite teacher? – at school, Dave Cadwallider, a truly great guy. Since then Andy Sims, my Film Studies mentor. A genius to whom i owe my love of film and getting into critiquing.

9. First film you ever saw at the cinema? – E.T.

10. First record you ever bought? – ‘Voodoo Ray’ by A Guy Called Gerald. Blinding tune.

11. First gig you ever went to? – Hmmm…Saw Prodigy in Bristol just after ‘Charly’ became a huge hit.

12. First time you ever engaged in ‘intimate self-massage’ *ahem*? – Started figuring things out during bathtime when I was around 10 I think. Was the cleanest boy alive for a while after that.

13. First job? – Sunday nights at Miss Millies while I was in the 6th form. Nice food, shame about…well, everything else really.

14. First time you ever bought pornography? – Finally got the nerve up when I was about 19. Went through the process which I now realise every guy goes through – find an out-of-the-way newsagents with a well-stocked 2 shelves, loiter by them for about 20 minutes taking a peek at the mags while no-one else is looking and pretending to be looking at the crossword puzzle books when others approach, then make your decision and run for the counter while no-one else is queuing up. make some lame comment re: it’s for a friend/can’t wait to see his face etcetc, and dash out hoping you can’t see the mag cover thru the carrier. Hilarious really – by 25 you treat it as a badge of honour.

15. First experience with alcohol? – Dad made a Christmas Cake and left it to mature for a year. The following Xmas – must only have been 14 – he opened it. Following day was sick with a terrible headache and couldn’t figure out why. Turns out he’d dumped about a bottle of sherry in it.

16. First experience with drugs? – Going back to someone’s house after a 9-pint sess at The Hatchet to find him rolling joints off a stash about the size of a small bale of hay (had it smuggled in via a boat with a false hull from Amsterdam). Apparently opium-based stuff. I spent 2 hours in the toilet unable to move until i threw up, then another hour sat in a rocking chair having the time of my life.


1. Sunny days or dark nights? – Definitely dark nights

2. Rain or shine? – Rain. Then I know I’m not missing anything.

3. Summer or Winter? – Winter.

4. Heaven or Hell? – Heaven. Hate hot weather.

5. Vampires or werewolves? – Has to be vampires. Very cool, despite having a ridiculous amount of ways to die.

6. Love or lust? – Love, as that should include lust when in the right relationship.

7. Dominant or submissive? – Hmmm…more dominant I think.

8. Chips & dips or chains & whips? – Chips & dips (with some silk restraints afterwards if required).

9. Foreplay or intercourse? – Actually, more of a fan of foreplay!

10. Pants or boxers? – Boxers.

11. Naughty or nice? – Nice with a dash, please.

12. Lover or fighter? – Neither, probably eater.

13. Blair or Thatcher? – Ouch…can’t even call them the leseer of 2 evils. Thatcher.

14. Stick or Twist? – Stick, gotta be in it to win it.

15. Live or recorded? – Live. When it works, you’ll never match the atmosphere.

16. Football or Rugby? – Like that’s even a choice. Footie.

17. Alone or in a crowd? – Given that choice, alone.

18. Car or bicycle? – Pass me the keys.

19. Candlelight or Candle wax? – Candlelight – romance first, kinkiness second.

20. Drunk or stoned? – Drunk. if its going badly, ’tis an easier state to get yourself out of. Is why i’ve never touched anything more then cannabis.

21. Personality or looks? – Personality is more important, but anyone who says looks don’t matter is a good-natured liar.


1. Any grey hairs anywhere? – Yeah, past few years they’ve started cropping up in beard and temples.. And in ears too. Odd

2. What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever received? – gratuitous sex with my then-gf. As ever, the anticipation during unwrapping was the main fun, but the batteries wore out very quickly and I ended up slightly disappointed. Then the packet of cigarettes someone else got me came in handy.

3. Evilest teacher? – No question, a P.E. teacher named Stuart Downer. A nasty, arrogant and mentally abusive piece of work that left many scars.

4. Approach to life? – Make others happy and have a few chuckles yourself along the way, too.

5. Believe in true love? – Yeah, I think so. I don’t think it has to be instant though.

6. Believe in fate? – No. It can feel different, but I think it’s all down to us. Even if there is a higher power (which i think there is of a sort), the most it has is a general idea of how things SHOULD go.

7. Ambitions? – Used to be get in print as a film writer/reviewer and, to a point, still is. But I’ll settle for peace of mind. Never valued it until I lost it.

8. Think you’ll ever marry? – Truthfully? No. Melodrama aside, I’m not a fantastic catch look-wise and come with a shedload of mental baggage, hang-ups and insecurities. I wouldn’t.

9. Ever have kids? – No. Partly due to my OCD, but also because I’ve never been a big fan anyway. And medical reasons that wouldn’t leave me with that option anyway *shrug*.

10. What would you do if you won the lottery? – Die of a heart attack as I never get a ticket. But seriously, I’d see all those who’ve helped me along the way (primarily Mum) were sorted out before anything else.

11. ETD? – I’ll be lucky to get to my mid-40s with stress, smoking and a bad diet all fighting over me.

12. Scared of death? – Not at all. Scared of the dying process (looks a bit painful to me) but intrigued to find out what comes next.

13. You’re stranded on a desert island. What one item do you take with you, in case rescue takes a while? – Water purifying kit. Can always find stuff to eat but, w/o clean drinking water, you’re shafted.

14. Any regrets? – Oh yes. But have learnt from them all, so never wasted.

15. What song would you choose at karaoke? – Hmmm, not sure. Maybe ‘Have You Met Miss Jones?’ as can get away with that. Has to be a big band number so you can really belt it out.If not, maybe a Meatloaf tune or ‘Alive’ by Pearl Jam. Oh, or ‘Fuck Her Gently’ by Tenacious D just for comedy value.

16. Funniest thing you’ve ever done? – Convincing 3 visiting friends that someone’s 3-floor house was haunted. They ended up running around the place with knives, screaming while another as good as bolted out of the front door after a 2 hour ordeal.

17. Scariest thing you’ve ever done? – See my great-grandad’s body lying in state in the parlour before his funeral when I was 15.

18. Piece of advice you’d give someone? – Fight for what you believe to be true, whatever the opposition.

19. Best piece of advice ever given to you? – Treat everyone else on the roads as complete and utter f**king idiots. (thanks Dad).


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Happy Birthday to Me!

Another year notched up on my jourey towards senility, then!

31 today, folks – have to say that I’m not really where I thought I’d
be by now (but I guess many of us could say that). Then again, given
the way I’ve been at times over the last 8 years, I guess there’ve been
times when I thought I wouldn’t be here at all so am glad just to wake
up to see today.

Haven’t made a big fuss about it – indeed, like last year, have hardly
told a soul about it. I guess birthdays tend to be a time for
reflection and, as anyone who’s read this thing or knows me can guess,
that’d be enough to get me extremely maudlin – is ok for people to say
‘let out such emotions’ but to what purpose? Yep, I feel quite bitter
about OCD screwing my life and career but bitching about it to ‘let it
out’ won’t change things – best to get on with it and try not to think
about what you’ve lost.

Didn’t want lots of people saying ‘you’ve gotta do something for your
bday, we’ve gotta go out etcetc’ either. Totally not their fault, but
it just reminds me that I’m unable to plan almost anything beyond about
12 hours – and more then that, reminds me of what I used to be. I know
my birthday parties hit near-legendary status at times as nights
out…not feeling able to do them anymore isn’t something I need to

Sorry guys – I guess this space is the place where I can let such
things out, and spare the people immediately around me from hearing
them. Until I’m in a place to start rebuilding my life (and even then,
it’ll never be what it was or could have been pre-OCD), there’s kind’ve
a lot of upset and pain and hurt underneath – along with a planative
‘why me’? *shrug* Ah well – better me then someone who could totally
not cope with it.

Wow, cheerful birthday entry, huh? *grins* Is ok – just needed to let
that out and get it out of the way for the rest of the day. Already had
my gift from Dad and Marg (stepmum) a few wks back, got some cash from
Mum and Nana and a lovely incense set and choccies from Lou this
morning (she’s amazing 🙂 – has been thru hell but is the sweetest,
most caring person i know). Amazon, EBay and Fat Guy T-Shirts here I
come! Spending day with my sis and probably chilling with Mum this
evening over some birthday junk food.

And Mum sang me Happy Birthday when I got up this morning – bless!


Filed under Who the hell am I?

New ‘About Me’ area on left…

Hi guys,

Following a msg left by ‘me’ in the entry about my P-OCD (!1p3yeQl3WryVEe-7NTrKDYBw!420.entry), I thought a new permlink section may be good idea. Hopefully it’ll direct people to my first 2 entries – about me and, more importantly, about my OCD and how it works. May be a good idea for people to read these before diving into the Blog and getting the wrong ideas! BTW, no offence taken ‘me’ – ’tis a natural worry to jump to w/o reading the explanation of stuff!


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Who is this masked man?

So…introduction time. I’d like us all to go into a corner for 10 minutes and then tell the whole group 3 things about the person stood next to you that no-one knows. But it’s not really practical, so I’ll just blab briefly at you until you get bored. I’m a 31 year-old Cancerian from Bristol in the UK, currently single (for 8 years – my grip can crush walnuts!) and currently jobless. Pretty much messed about in a gothic-type way (not totally – a penchant for black and the music, but avoided small things like make-up and suiciding at the age of 21) until I was 21 and decided to try and get into entertainment journalism. Went back to college, got some A-Levels and then went to UWE in Bristol and got a 2:1 in Cultural & Media Studies in 1999. Since then, have freelanced for some websites, done some proof-reading and worked as an editorial asistant for a major site until just over a year ago – not much fun and even less moneywise as the market pretty much crashed in ’99. *sigh* No-one wants a reviewer it seems………and then illness finally overtook me in March 2004. More of that in a minute. I guess everyone likes to think they are a nice person, generous and funny so I’m going to be no different (and far less modest!). Love my music (anything but jungle or this new-eurodance stuff – spare me) and am gutted not to be doing my 4th Glastonbury in a row this year. Also a huuuuge film fan (watch the charts for my top films ever). Am heavily involved with the UK Ghost Investigators group too – am a core member there and have been on close to 20 investigations. It appears I’m a sensitive with some potential mediumship gifts too – *grins* so I’m hearing voices as well, apparently. My shrink will be delighted. Am a former goth/metaller who still retains the long hair in a pony-tail but lost the fashion sense a while ago! llokwise – well, you’ve seen the photo! Am 6ft 4 and overweight and don’t really case too much. Actually, that’s a lie – I do care and am trying to get down to normal but have realised, as many others should, that attraction is about far more then the outside – and this shape suits me. Besides, animals don’t run away from me yelping with fear yet so it isn’t out of control!

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