Who is this masked man?

So…introduction time. I’d like us all to go into a corner for 10 minutes and then tell the whole group 3 things about the person stood next to you that no-one knows. But it’s not really practical, so I’ll just blab briefly at you until you get bored. I’m a 31 year-old Cancerian from Bristol in the UK, currently single (for 8 years – my grip can crush walnuts!) and currently jobless. Pretty much messed about in a gothic-type way (not totally – a penchant for black and the music, but avoided small things like make-up and suiciding at the age of 21) until I was 21 and decided to try and get into entertainment journalism. Went back to college, got some A-Levels and then went to UWE in Bristol and got a 2:1 in Cultural & Media Studies in 1999. Since then, have freelanced for some websites, done some proof-reading and worked as an editorial asistant for a major site until just over a year ago – not much fun and even less moneywise as the market pretty much crashed in ’99. *sigh* No-one wants a reviewer it seems………and then illness finally overtook me in March 2004. More of that in a minute. I guess everyone likes to think they are a nice person, generous and funny so I’m going to be no different (and far less modest!). Love my music (anything but jungle or this new-eurodance stuff – spare me) and am gutted not to be doing my 4th Glastonbury in a row this year. Also a huuuuge film fan (watch the charts for my top films ever). Am heavily involved with the UK Ghost Investigators group too – am a core member there and have been on close to 20 investigations. It appears I’m a sensitive with some potential mediumship gifts too – *grins* so I’m hearing voices as well, apparently. My shrink will be delighted. Am a former goth/metaller who still retains the long hair in a pony-tail but lost the fashion sense a while ago! llokwise – well, you’ve seen the photo! Am 6ft 4 and overweight and don’t really case too much. Actually, that’s a lie – I do care and am trying to get down to normal but have realised, as many others should, that attraction is about far more then the outside – and this shape suits me. Besides, animals don’t run away from me yelping with fear yet so it isn’t out of control!

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Filed under Who the hell am I?

One response to “Who is this masked man?

  1. moongoddess

    Yo. Related to afew things on your site…check mine outBlessingspeaceout earthspirit

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